What are the PWR!Moves?

PWR!Moves are the core of Parkinson’s Disease specific functional exercise and physical therapy programs. The Basic 4 PWR!Moves are designed to each target a skill known to deteriorate in people with Parkinson disease, which often lead to loss of mobility and function. The PWR!Moves can be practiced in multiple positions, made progressively more physically and cognitively challenging, and be used differently to target each person’s unique symptoms individually.

PWR!Moves help you mitigate symptoms and rebuild functionality, no matter how you incorporate them into your life. They can be integrated into your daily activities and routines (such as activities of daily living, recreation, sports, and hobbies), in physical and exercise settings.

PWR!Moves Certified Therapists are Parkinson’s Disease-specialized physical therapists who use PWR!Moves, a set of research-based, PD-specific exercises, with their clients to target and reduce specific PD symptoms, work toward personalized goals, and help them move better and live better. PWR!Moves Certified Therapists can work with you to reduce freezing, tremor, strength, and overall quality of life.

PWR!Moves and their benefits for people with PD:

  • PWR!Moves are Parkinson’s-specific exercises that help maintain and restore skills that have deteriorated and can interfere with everyday movements
  • The PWR!Moves curriculum offers a flexible and function-focused exercise approach that targets multiple PD symptoms and is adaptable for all levels of disease severity.

PWR!Moves Therapy

  • PWR!Moves physical therapy is delivered by highly qualified, PD-specialized PWR!Moves Certified Therapists.
  • Using techniques supported by the latest research, these therapists work with their clients to achieve individualized goals, personalizing treatment to target and reduce multiple PD symptoms, increase function and mobility, and improve quality of life.


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