Testosterone Therapy & Cardiac Conditions: What You Need to Know

Posted on: October 11, 2023

For years, the relationship between testosterone therapy and cardiac health has been a subject of debate. Recent findings from a Cleveland Clinic–led trial offer new insights, suggesting that testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) does not increase the risk of major adverse cardiac events in men with low testosterone levels who also have preexisting or a high risk of cardiovascular disease.

The TRAVERSE Trial: A Closer Look

The Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Assessment of Long–term Vascular Events and Efficacy Response in Hypogonadal Men (TRAVERSE) trial was a comprehensive study involving over 5,000 men aged 45 to 80. The study found that TRT did not result in a higher incidence of major cardiac events compared to a placebo. However, it's essential to note that those on testosterone did show a higher incidence of atrial fibrillation, acute kidney injury, and issues arising from blood clots.

Exercise and Cardiac Health: The Role of Physical Therapy

While TRT may be a viable option for some, exercise remains a cornerstone of cardiac health. Physical therapists can offer specialized exercise programs tailored to individuals with heart disease, making physical therapy an excellent first choice for most pain and musculoskeletal disorders before considering drugs, injections, or surgery.

Caution and Consultation

Despite the promising results, experts still urge caution when considering TRT, especially for those with preexisting cardiac conditions. Always consult a healthcare provider for a comprehensive evaluation before starting any form of testosterone therapy.

If You Aren’t Exercising & Have Low T, Ask Your Doctor

The TRAVERSE trial brings a new layer of understanding to the complex relationship between testosterone therapy and cardiac health. However, it's crucial to approach TRT with caution and always under medical supervision.

If you're concerned about low testosterone levels and cardiac health, consult a medical professional for a thorough evaluation. And remember, exercise is not just an option but a necessity for maintaining good cardiac health. Consult a physical therapist to guide you through a safe and effective exercise regimen tailored to your needs.



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